Project Description

I wanted a bot for music in discord, as well as referencing prices on amazon so I made one utilizing the following: NodeJS, Discord.js, discord-player and amazon-paapi.

You can add it to your server by clicking here or any of the buttons on the page.

Music is sourced from Spotify, SoundCloud & Youtube.

Amazon pricing is affiliate links.

Command List

Basic Commands

Command name Altername names What it do
!help n/a Tells you in chat what all the commands do.
!amazon !shop, !buy Finds Best match on amazon then links to product & category.
!support n/a Provideds a link to my discord support channel for this bot.

Music Player Commands

Command name Altername names What it do
!autoplay n/a Plays some gud beats by artists I dig.
!play !p will play X track name or URL.
!search !find Searches for song name, responds with results
that can be selected for play.
!save !sv Messages you the name of the currently playing track
!nowplaying !np Responds in chat with the name of the currently playing track
!progress !pbar Shows the progression of play in the active song.
!shuffle !sh shuffles the queue
!queue !q shows what is in the queue to play next
!loop !lp, !repeat repeats the current track.
use “!loop queue” to loop the queue.
!skip !sk Skips to the next track
!volume <1-100> !vol adjusts volume 1-100.  Eg: “!volume20” is 20% volume.
!clear !cq !clears the queue
!filter n/a Sets an audio filter for the current queue.
!stop n/a stops playing and leave voice.